KenKan Consultants Co.,Ltd.
Integrated Consultants Leading Environmental Fields


株式会社 建設環境研究所 > English > About the Company

About the Company

Creating a bright future for people and nature

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The year 2022 may have been an unsettling one, even though COVID-19 showed signs of coming to an end.

The pandemic, which lasted for about three years, was a time for people to reconsider their values and ways of working. We have seen advances in ICT, such as remote meetings, which were previously thought to be difficult, but can now be done unexpectedly, and we have rediscovered the need for face to face communication, which cannot be compensated for by ICT. Furthermore, in Japan, the declining population poses a difficult problem for securing the workforce.

In the future, we will look back on our experiences and history and choose what to change and what not to change, while weaving the various risks and opportunities we perceive from time to time into the future development of our business.

Meanwhile, global issues such as natural disasters, loss of biological resources, war and high prices will continue to progress during the pandemic and will not allow for an increasingly leisurely response.

What should KenKan Consultants Co.,Ltd. in this fluctuating business environment?

We founded the company with the aim of contributing to society by solving the problems of infrastructure development with the environment at its heart, in the hope that a prosperous society and secure lifestyles will continue for many years to come, based on the natural benefits of the national land. In the current situation where the national land environment is facing various crises, this objective has become increasingly important and our intention and identity will not change in the future.

However, now that we have passed through the pandemic, we are also working to strengthen our response to the various changes in the business environment and the need to continue to evolve with greater speed and flexibility in the development of our human resources and company, and to improve the quality of our services and the incomes of our employees.

In the area of public works, we will continue to address issues such as basin flood control, road space redistribution, green infrastructure, measures to combat ageing and urban space development, while integrating environmental and civil engineering technologies. In addition, to promote speed, we will utilize ICT, CIM, DX, AI, environmental DNA, spatial information technology and other technologies to provide consistency from survey to design, and to support efficiency improvements to construction, smooth consensus building and speedy decision-making.

In the private sector, we have been focusing on environmental assessments for onshore wind power generation as a response to climate change, and will actively promote this together with environmental assessments for offshore wind power.

As for new business, we have established a Biodiversity Office and launched an ESG biodiversity information disclosure support service business for companies.

This service provides companies with realistic environmental information, diagnosis, assessment and improvement methods for risks and opportunities by making full use of the nationwide environmental data we have cultivated for 40 years, our network of academics and our 300 employees in the environmental field, the largest number in Japan, who use big data, local environmental survey technology and improvement techniques.

We believe that our corporate value is to continue contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

We would like to thank all of our stakeholders, as well as the communities we serve, companies and organizations that are considering environmental issues, and those who are considering employment, for their continued understanding and support of our company.

Masata Urakawa, COO

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